Does your press kit have these 3 things?
You probably already know that you need to include your name, bio, and a high-res photo. But what else will make your press kit scream, “I WOULD BE A RELEVANT / FASCINATING / ENGAGING INTERVIEW?”? And what are the top 3 things that you absolutely must include in any press kit you’re sending to any kind of media?
I’ve worked on lots and lots of press kits, and in my opinion, these are three things that are must-haves in your press kit.
A few relevant topics you could be interviewed about. Most of the time, this can just be a re-worded version of your bio or book description, but it’s in a format that will help a journalist looking at your press kit envision what an actual interview would be like about those topics.
For example, if your book or platform is about vegan cooking, then try to come up with 2-3 topics that could be relevant to a general audience. Write them as a headline or blog post (complete sentence not necessary). For example:
Cooking vegan meals that your kids (and partner) will actually be excited to eat
Vegan cooking on a college student budget
Does vegan cooking have to be boring?
Your up-to-date contact information so they can contact you promptly for an interview. This is simple, but don’t forget it. Make it as easy as possible for someone reviewing your press kit to follow up with you if they’re interested. Include your phone (mobile, work, home or as many as you have), e-mail, website and social media handles.
A few sample interview questions. Similar to providing them with some bullet points, now you’ll think up a few sample interview questions related to your book, business, or platform’s niche or expertise. Continuing with the vegan example, a few questions could be:
If someone wants to began their vegan journey, where do you recommend they start?
What’s one piece of advice you wish someone had told you about cooking vegan?
What’s your favorite vegan cooking ingredient and why?
Or maybe you just need a second opinion on what you have. Either way, fill out the form below and I’ll be happy to help you!